Netherbury Players

Blithe Spirit poster

Always wanted! Would-be actors, keen learners, anyone happy to have a go, make-up artist, wardrobe person, publicity officer etc. Don’t be shy, give Susy a ring and join our merry band of players.

Short History of The Netherbury Drama Group

We started life in March 2010. The group was formed by Susy Varndell and Caroline Tyndale. A small group of villagers got together initially to take part in workshops and explore possible plays that could be put on in the village hall. See below for some of what we’ve done so far…… If you are interested in joining us for our next production, which is now being planned for May 2022, then please contact Susy Varndell.

Contact: Susy Varndell

Tel: 01308 488341


The cast from the Netherbury Drama Group’s offering on May 17th 2014 Happy Birthday Me!
The cast from Knightsbridge, the other play on 17th May 2014
Wife After Death 30th November 2014

13 April 2013 – Nasty Things Murders and Last Tango in Netherbury

24 November 2012 – Deckchairs and Joining the Club