Hedgehog Friendly Netherbury

In Netherbury we are fortunate to have hedgehogs in the village. You may have spotted these shy, nocturnal creatures going about their business around St James Road or Chantry Street. You may even be lucky enough to have them living in your garden. Sadly, the village's grandchildren may not get the chance to experience this pleasure. Hedgehog numbers are falling at an alarming rate. They are on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature red list of threatened species. In Great Britain, their population has decreased by 30% in the last two decades. Their biggest threat is loss of habitat. Many are also killed on the roads.

Hedgehog Friendly Netherbury was set up in January 2025, part of a network of villages and towns encouraged by Dorset Mammal Group to reverse the decline of the hedgehog population in the county. Hedgehog Friendly Netherbury Group aims to do this by mapping the presence of hedgehogs in the village and monitoring it annually; raising awareness of the challenges our hedgehogs face; encouraging steps residents can take to protect the village's hedgehogs; and providing guidance for assisting animals in distress.

Gardens - As hedgehogs travel around one mile every night in their quest to find enough food and a mate, we are trying to make their life easier. Gardeners can play a vital role in this. Hedgehog Friendly Netherbury recognises and respects that some residents enjoy wild gardening and others love more formal gardening. Whatever your approach, taking a few small steps can help our hedgehogs thrive. We are encouraging residents to develop hedgehog friendly 'highways' by making holes in, or under, their garden fences and walls for hedgehogs to pass through. We are also encouraging residents to adopt hedgehog friendly activities in their garden eg by providing escape routes from ponds and not using slug pellets. If you have a hedgehog, you also have a very efficient slug consumer! For useful tips see

What to do if you find a distressed animal - if you find a hedgehog whose welfare you are worried about, or see a baby (hoglet) you think might be orphaned, please refer to this

Want to know more?

If we act now Netherbury's residents and future generations can continue to enjoy seeing hedgehogs in our village.